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Latest news

4 May 2017

We explain the changes to our standard setting requirements

Standard Setting

Register for our upcoming webinar to learn more about how this vital standard is changing.

21 April 2017

PEFC members invited to comment on changes to the endorsement process


With the enquiry draft of our revised endorsement process ready, it is time for our members to have their say through our thirty-day member consultation.

27 March 2017

PEFC is looking for your opinion on standard setting

Standard Setting

The revised document introduces many improvements in document structure and clarity, as well as critical improvements to the standard setting process itself.

8 March 2017

Changes on the horizon for the PEFC endorsement process


Working Group 6, the body responsible for the revision of our process for the endorsement and recognition of forest certification systems, has met two times and have developed a Working Draft of the new standard.

1 September 2016

Adapting PEFC Chain of Custody certification to future needs

Chain of Custody

Our Chain of Custody standard has a tremendous impact on internal management processes of numerous businesses along the timber value chain. This means we must ensure the standard is the best it can be.

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